DSL3 – Twin Hybrid Energy-Absorbing Lanyard 2m with Scaffold Hook Lite

397.00 Exl VAT

New for 2023!

This is an innovative solution combining the benefits of traditional energy-absorbing lanyards with an auto-shortening lanyard to create our most high-performance lanyard to date. This device is the first of its type to be fully CE certified to EN355.

The auto-shortening function reduces the initial free fall distance and so significantly reduces the overall clearance height required. When compared to a traditional fall arrest lanyard there is a 50% reduction in the clearance height needed when attached to a foot-level anchor point.

The DSL3 lanyard is ideal for working in applications with a limited safe clearance height or close to ground level. Even when working at high above-ground level workers are given the confidence of a much shorter fall distance, which reduces the risk of injury from collisions with the structure during a fall.

The design of the energy-absorbing pack ensures that the device sits ergonomically against the worker’s back to reduce entanglement risks and avoid discomfort from the lanyard casing swinging against the worker’s back.
The configuration of the lanyard legs provides the maximum possible working length and reach between anchors in a twin lanyard assembly.


DSL3 T HL 2m 1RH2

Twin Auto-Shortening Lanyard with Steel Lite Scaffold Hook

DSL3 Innovative auto-shortening fall arrest lanyards reducing clearance heights for workers

  • Can be used in exactly the same way as an EN355 energy-absorbing lanyard!
  • Retracting lanyard leg significantly reduces free fall distance
  • Improves clearance height by 50% when compared with a traditional EN355 energy-absorbing lanyard
  • Max-Span: Lanyard configuration ensures the maximum possible traversing span
  • Fully CE certificated to EN355 as an energy-absorbing lanyard (EU and UKCA Type Certified)
  • Independently tested for user weight up to 140kg (CNB11_062)
  • Compact and unobtrusive shock absorber design allows freedom of movement Reduced length while stowed prevents entanglement

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